babies magical mobile

When we found out that we would be welcoming our own little Bug, my head was spinning with all of the amazing handmade things I would craft for him. Spoiler alert, there are not enough hours in the day to do all of the fabulous crafting fantasies of which I was able to dream up. So at about 8 months in, I buckled down and focused on the ones that were the most important to me…

One of the projects that made the cut was a baby mobile. When it came time to decorate for my little bug, I had looked all over for the perfect mobile. It did not exist, so of course, I had to make it!  We already had a woodland creature theme going, so we picked a couple of animals and objects which would go along with that. We decided on a fox, bear, deer, fish, moon, mountains, tree and rain cloud.

We started out by finding a base…

On one of our family walks the hubs, pup and I found the perfect sticks to use as our base. Bronson was a little jealous that he couldn’t chew them, but his desire to do so seemed like a seal of approval to the quality of them.  Hubs gave them a quick clean up and sand down, and then tied them together with some left over homespun yarn I had made for an earlier project.


Next came the animals….

My talented hubs contributed with some original drawings that I used as patterns for the animals and objects.



I took the patterns pinned them to some felt and cut out a front and back. Some of the patterns were pretty detailed and took more time than others. Then I hand stitched the edges and stuffed them with some batting. For the more detailed pieces I used a little hot glue to secure them in place before stitching them together.


After finishing all of the stuffed items, I then took some beading thread and attached them carefully to the wooden base which we had made.

The results were better than I could have imagined and little bug has loved it even more than we expected!

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